Pakistan Weather Portal (PWP) – June in review!

It was another great month for Pakistan Weather Portal (PWP), June has broken records for May, April and March. A total of 79, 098 people came to PWP in the month of June, breaking all past records. In May, some 18,011 people came while in April and March some 5,956 and 3,346 came to PWP respectively. The highest 24 hour views occurred on June 9 when some 10,138 people came to PWP. Pakistan Weather Portal (PWP) like to thank the people of Karachi and Islamabad, who are the highest viewers of PWP ,and internationally we like to thank the people of London, Mumbai and Muscat for their keen interest to check the daily weather updates from PWP. June will also be remembered as a highest rating month and June’s record may take year to break. In the end, PWP like to especially thank its loyal readers that check Pakistan Weather Portal daily for Pak updates.

Pakistan Weather Portal (PWP) made a total of 13 articles in the month of June

  1. Monsoon Daily Updates – For June 2011
  2. Pakistan Weather Update & Monsoon alert (June 21 – June 30)
  3. Climate of Islamabad – The Monthly factors!
  4. Mysterious luminous object over Rawalpindi! – Aliens invade Pindi?
  5. Pakistan Weather Update & Monsoon alert (June 16 – June 20)
  6. Lunar eclipse – Watch out Pakistan!
  7. Pakistan Weather Portal (PWP) – Reader’s choice
  8. Monsoon 2011: Backlash of the floods? – History of Pakistan floods in Detail
  9. Tropical coverage of ARB 01 – over!
  10. Pakistan Weather Update & Monsoon Alert (June 11 – June 15)
  11. Beware of Cyclone Keila – Special Coverage!
  12. Pakistan Weather Update & Monsoon and cyclone alert (June 4 – June 10)
  13. Pakistan Weather Portal (PWP) – May in review!

Who is the winner?

Its Mysterious luminous object over Rawalpindi! – Aliens invade Pindi?, why because the event happened in 1961 and such events do not occur in Pakistan often. It is the only such event that has made it to the news.

4 replies to “Pakistan Weather Portal (PWP) – June in review!

  1. @Jal
    cloudy at times partly cloudy
    @Danish Raza
    As of latest forecast there are no chances of rainfall in Larkana during the next 6 days.. beyond that the weather is unsettled in Sindh…

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