Climate of Pakistan

History of the Climate of Pakistan

Since 1919, Pakistan’s 7 out of 11 maximum temperatures have all occurred in the 21st century! (Lasted updated in 2022)
  • Western Disturbances: Extra-tropical weather system that originates in the Mediterranean region and moves eastwards towards South Asia. They mainly occur in the Winter and Spring season with slightly less frequency in Summer and Autumn. They have the potential to bring dense fogs, damaging dust storms (locally called Andhi), and tornadoes to Pakistan.
  • Southwest Monsoon: It is a seasonal wind that brings rainfall to the subcontinent from June to September. It is caused by the shift of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) towards the north, bringing moisture-laden winds from the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal to Pakistan. Precipitation accompanied by these winds can lead to monstrous floods, waterlogging, record-breaking rains in the region.
  • Tropical Cyclones: Pakistan is not prone to cyclones as other countries in the region such as Oman or India. They mainly occur in Summer or during the pre-Autumn season. Their intensity in the Arabian Sea has increased as of late.
  • Heatwaves: One of the world’s hottest temperatures is recorded in southern Pakistan. The heat waves peak during the Summer (May and June).
  • Drought: In the absence of monsoon rainfall, severe drought conditions were well-documented in Pakistan.
  • Earthquakes: Though not related to climate, Earthquakes in Pakistan are the deadliest form of disaster in the country.

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